1.3 Introduction to the superannuation industry

Superannuation is money saved during your working life, to support you in retirement. 

Papua New Guinea’s superannuation industry has seen remarkable growth in recent times and has expanded into an industry with:

  • total superannuation assets of Kina9.805 billion (as at 2016)
  • approximately 700,000 individual superannuation and pension accounts. 

Since 2000, changes to the superannuation industry have seen exponential growth of funds under management.

Table 1.1 outlines the size of the industry according to the different funds including:

  • total assets
  • number of accounts.

The features of each fund will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. 

Source: Association of Superannuation Funds PNG


Total assetts


No. of accounts Average balance
NASFUND 4 515,353 <K10,000
Nambawan Super 5.1 155,330 K33,477
Comrade Trustee Services Ltd (CTSL) .46 3276 contributors 1741 pensioners N/A
AON Master Trust PNG Kina subfund 0.138 21,980 K6,279
AON Master Trust PNG AUD subfund 0.125 850


Total 9.805 698,853 N/A
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