1.0 Introduction to the financial services industry


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The financial services industry plays a central role in the effective maintenance of the flow of money in the Papua New Guinean (PNG) economy by providing financial products and associated services. 

The main sectors of the financial services industry in Papua New Guinea are accounting, insurance, superannuation, banking, credit and lending services, finance and mortgage broking, financial markets, conveyancing and workers compensation. 

The financial services industry in Papua New Guinea is evolving. The finance sector has increased its level of lending to the private sector; however it remains heavily involved in financing government debt.

After the financial industry crisis in the late 1990s, the Government has implemented significant reforms in the finance sector.

Since the late 1990s, the Papua New Guinea Central Bank has been appointed as the sector’s regulator, superannuation legislation has been revised, and the insurance industry has become prudentially regulated.

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